Some ninjas came up with a way of telling
what time it is by the shape of a cats pupil. The the thinner the pupil
is, the closer it is to 12:00. Here is a diagram of what the ninjas looked
for in the cats eye:

One way that ninjas could tell the direction
was from the rings on a tree stump. As the rings get closer together on
one side, they make a slight arrow. This points the ninja north and makes
it easy to navigate.
This picture is real but slightly exaggerated
from what may be seen on the average tree stump. Click photo to enlarge.
Another way that the ninjas can tell
direction is from three sticks. One stick that is about one foot long is
driven straight into the ground. One twig is placed at the end of the
shadow. The ninja then waits fifteen minutes to see where the shadow has
moved to. He places the other twig as the end of the new shadow. He
places his right foot on the first twig and his left foot on the second
twig. Now the ninja is facing true north.
How do ninjas rest? Ninjas wear long
sashes that they can tie to trees. They climb up to the top of a tree and
make a spider web- type hammock that they can rest in. This can also be
used to hide and spy on incoming enemies.
Ninjas have learned to adapt to there
surroundings. They needed water so they learned how to find water.
If there are certain plants, it means that water is nearby. Crickets
and ants also mean that there is water nearby.
Guidelines for
stealth walking
Excerpt from "The Mystic Arts of the Ninja" by
Stephen K. Hayes
- " Maintain balance control by allowing your body weight
to sink and be carried by deeply flexed knees.
- Remember to breathe along with your movement.
Unconsciously holding your breath can unknowingly produce unneeded muscle
tension, and could result in gasping release of breathe if you are startled
or accidentally unbalanced.
- Stay alert to the entire scene. Do not become so
engrossed in watching your feet that you do not notice other people an
elements entering the surroundings.
- Use all joints for movement, emphasizing fluidity
through the engagement of the ankles, knees, and hips for stepping. Avoid
the lazy and dangerous habit of stiffening knees and swinging the entire leg
from the hip.
- Maintain your weight and balance on your grounded leg
while you move the other leg into position to bear the weight. When absolute
silence is a must, avoid distributing your weight over both legs at the same
- If practical, allow your hands to float lightly in
front of and beside your torso, one arm higher and one arm lower, to detect
possible obstructions before your committed body weight encounters them.
- Pause and hold your position if you feel that you have
accidentally caused too much noise. Listen for signs that you were heard,
such as the movement of others or the immediate silencing of background
noise following your slip. Sink a little lower on your knees to physically
relax that could normally jump into your body with alarm. Take a deep
breathe and release it slowly to further relax. Continue your pause for as
long as you feel is necessary to regain composure and allow possible
listeners to decide they did not hear anything after all.
- Be as patient as possible. If speed of travel is not
important, take as much time as you can. Impatience and the resultant hasty
movement that it encourages are the greatest dangers to the person who must
move silently without detection.
- Keep your movement appropriate to your surroundings. Do
not go to greater lengths than necessary to conceal your movement, while at
the same being aware of what others entering the area may see if they cannot
hear. Total silence may not be needed when moving through wooded or densely
populated areas where scattered noise is a natural part of the environment.
Also be aware that low profile crawling or sliding ma be the only way to
move silently without being seen in some locations."
Ninja often use poisons.
This is because digesting poison is as effective as a weapon, but with no
mess. Poison can be put in food, drinks and on the tips of arrows or
darts. There are many different types of poison that can be extracted from
plants or animals. The bufo marinus is a large toad that holds a
highly lethal poison. Blowfish (Puffer fish) also contain a very poisonous
substance that can be used. Tomato and rhubarb leaves hold a poison that
can give a human cardiac arrest. Seeds of apples, cherries, plumb and
other fruits can contain cyanide.
Another powerful poison is a type of mushroom
called the amanita phalloides. It is a mushroom that's lethality is
ten times greater that of cyanide. Not all poisons used by ninjas were to
kill the enemy, some poisons caused muscle spasms and others blindness. A
lot of the time, sharp ninja weapons would be dipped in poison to cause greater