Shobo A shobo is a ring worn on the finger of a ninja. On the end there is a small piece of wood attached in order to strike the opponents pressure points. Hanbo A hanbo is a cane that has a concealed sword or chain inside. Bo A bo is a six foot long, hallow bamboo shaft that is used in combat. It is hallow because it sometimes conceals a chain, also for use in combat. Darts can also be launched through a bo. Bow A bow and arrow that is used by ninjas, as well as samurais. Sometimes teh arrows are dipped in poison. Chigiriki A chigiriki is a mace type weapon. A short bamboo shaft with a two and a half foot long chain with a spiked ball at the end. Darts Usually carried in a female ninja's hair. small darts tipped with a deadly poison. Fukiya A fukiya is a small, dart- launching bamboo stick. It could be used for launching darts a long distance and also as a snorkel. If the ninja needs to stay under water for long periods of time, he will need to use the fukiya to breathe. Jo A jo is a lot like a bo. Instead of being six feet long as a bo is, it is about four feet long. It is a great offensive and defensive weapon. Naginata A naginata is also a lot like a bo, however is has a fixed blade at the end. Kakute A kakute is a ring worn on the finger of a ninja. It is made of wood or metal and has poison on it. It is used when strangling someone and not as messy as a sword and as effected. Kama A kama is a ninja sickle. It is about a foot and a half to two feet long. They are swung in arcs, two at a time. They can do great damage when used correctly, combining the ninja and the weapon's momentum. Neko- te A neko- te is a weapon worn on the fingers of a kunoichi (female ninja). They are metal fingernails that are attached around the fingers. They are used for lashing and sometimes dipped in poison. Kusarigama A kusarigama is a Kama with a chain attached to the end of the handle. The chain is used to trap opponent or gain greater length on kama swings. Kyoketsu-shogei A kyoketsu-shogei is a knife attached to a cord that is tied to the end of a wooden handle. On the handle, there is a ring that can be held onto for swinging. Manriki Gusari A manriki gusari is a chain with weights at both ends. It is mostly defensive, but sometimes is offensive. Nunchakus Nunchakus are also known as nunchuks. They are two foot long bamboo sticks that are fastened to a chain. They are seen as a major weapon used by ninjas. Ono A ono is a four foot long battle ax that is one of the most powerful ninja weapons. It has a large steel blade at one end. Shuriken (Throwing Star) The shuriken is a small, sharp piece of metal that is thrown with deadly accuracy by a ninja. They are also a ninja symbol along with nunchakus. Tanto A tanto is a knife made out of super- strong steel. Used for combat as well as other purposes. Sword Samurai and ninja swords are different. A samurai has a sword that is about three feet long and fit to the warriors exact specifications. These swords are sharp enough to cut an armored human in half. A ninja sword is about two feet long and of poor quality. They are poor quality because they usually can't afford high quality samurai swords. There sword fighting tactics are also developed around this and sharpness is not needed. Tessen A tessen is a fan that when folded, could be used to club a person. some were made with sharp edges to be used also as a cutting weapon.